♚✞Discover What My Brain Comes Across✞♚

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this guy is awesome :D
In 1983 the band was fresh off their breakout album, Pyromania, and eager to record a followup. These plans were soon derailed on New Year’s Eve the following year when drummer Rick Allen had a serious car accident. Allen took a turn too fast and lost control of his black Corvette, slamming violently into a stone wall. Allen’s girlfriend fortunately escaped serious injury, but Allen himself was not so lucky. The accident had severed his arm at the shoulder and doctors were forced to remove it entirely! 

Allen was determined not to let the disability hamper his drumming skills. After four weeks in the hospital and several more recovering at his parents’ house, he returned to the studio, determined to find a way to play effectively. With the full support of his bandmates, he got the hang of using his own custom electronic drum set by playing for 8 hours each day. This special drum set allows him to keep the left-handed beats with his feet! Over three years after the accident, after many trials and tribulation, the band finally released Hysteria - the band’s best selling album to date! 

Check out this YouTube video for more on Rick Allen’s unique drumming technique!


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