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Feb 9, 2011

Scott Pilgrim Vs The World My Review ^___^

By Delon Anthony

i have been waiting to do a movie review on this for a long time cause i always wanted to watch the movie so i finally watched it and to me it was really good especially the special effects, they were all comic strip based which is awesome who doesn't like watching a movie with a comic strip based kinda story i know i do, ^____^

well the strating of the movie was kinda fuunny cause when the unversial pictures intorduction song came on it was in the form
of a super mario theme song version which was really cool

and also the comic stirp speciall effects were also good touch to make it more watchable and i know you guys reading this may hve already wathc ed this moive
and some of you might have thought this movie sucks but trust me there is more to than what meets the eye

best KO puch ever    good one scott
especially when scott is dating a Chininese girl in the begining of the movie which is cool now i really want a girl to date but geting
 back to the movie review and also wallace is the best snitch ever hes so sneeky, hes able to give infomation to scotts sister to easily :D

i loved the base battle between scott and the vegian dude
 the most cause it was awesome and also i didnt know there was such a thing as the vegian police damnn
i need to be carefull now ^__^

and also the girl on girl battle is the best i have ever seen in a long time, actually come to think of it i have never seen a girl on
girl battle ever but its still best
and also he got 4000 coins for touching the girl at the back of her knee woow this movie is really wired but really awesome

and also the AMp vs AMp battle was really good also really epic i loved the special effects for the battle it blew the roof off literally

the last battle, really really really epic thats all i have to say it was epic

he gets the girl of his dreams in the end
what a lucky guy
so anyways thats all for now but overall the movie was the best comic strip action, based advetnure about a guy who gets the girl in the end
was the best overall i loved it i enjoyed wathing it and i hope you guys like to watch it also

this was the best movie review i did in a long time


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