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Feb 1, 2011

What I Spend Money On ^____^

By Delon Anthony

well this question has been every where  it has been from the dawn of man, when the first cave man asked his wife wheres the rest of the animal skin, ? his wife replies i dont know how i spent it i am confused !

any ways going way off topic, well getting back to the topic at hand
what do i spend my money on
well let see at the top of my list
1) Electronics
2) Clothes
3) food and drink
4) and gifts for others

well you may think i am a freak to put electronics first but i am actually a freak cause i believe that in the future everything eill be digitised everything digital so the latest technology is need first
well clothes should actually be at the top of my list for 2011 cause i dont have a thing to wear cause i have become large over the years so i cant fit in to any of my older clothes
so clothes will actually be at the top of my list
well next comes food and drink which is carefully adjusted by my parents and i dont have to worry aboyt that

well there are more things i spend money on
5) ? well a motorbike would be nice ^___^
actually anything to buy within reason
but in my case i see something i want to get

hey come i know the people reading this also face the some problem, where that new pair of jeans are available  and you look at i t and see that you really need
come i know you and even me face the same problem \
but its ok new things catch the eyes of people more faster than older and run down items


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