♚✞Discover What My Brain Comes Across✞♚

Take one step into my mind, what will you find, I am sure I can leave the up to you ✌ Peace... DTM

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Jul 16, 2011

Rocksmith: Official Trailer (E3 2011)

By Delon Anthony

Yeeehawww XD

This game is just amazing, i am sure that it will rock out and it make me rock....... i am sure that i will be sure, to learn how to play the guitar, and this time it will be a real one, and not a plastic one........... this time its just going EPIC !!!! 

Rock out with a real guitar in this new music game Rocksmith. Move past the 5 button system to the realm of the real guitar heroes.

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Jul 12, 2011

Summer To-Do List Updates ^^

By Delon Anthony

Yeeehawww XD

Well, if you have read my little story on the Little boy and his xbox you can come up to grasp with the fact that that boy was in fact myself, getting an xbox and truth be told, i finally got one after such a long time, and i am so so so happy, but sad at the ame time, cause i will be travelling to France next week, and then to Srilanka so Two months are gone by without an xbox, but who am i to complain, complaining never got anyone anywhere, i know this from experience, and plus the more you complain the worse it becomes....... but the good thing about this trip is that i will be going to France for the first time and i will be a God- Father soon, and i know this may sound weird but, now i have a reason in my head when small children call me uncle........ so any ways i got an xbox which is awesome and i will also be going on a trip to Europe and to my Homeland, and then also i will be in a special place when i come back from my vacation, and no its not a job or anything, i will be in front with a girl in front of me with her hand holding my hands and we........ will......... be.......doing.........the........CHA CHA CHA !!!!! (LOL) but in all seriousness i will be dancing during the month of September which was not on my Summer To-Do list, but its a good addition............so if this is titled Summer To-Do List, then these are the most important and most going to happen things...... so making then a high priority...... in a sense where they are the first to happen and the others are left........... to take their time........

So any ways stay tuned for more and enjoy your summer vacation even though its almost over for me but who cares i had the time of my life and i will continue to have the time of my life till this vacation is over........ so GOD HELP ME if i dont, and if i dont i will just explode and flutter away like a feather in the wind, screaming for life........... (LOL) ^^

Yeeehawww XD
Either this is a movie or a game, cause i really have never seen MACHINIMA post movie trailers, but who cares, this movie will be awesome, as i think all upcoming movies are gonna be....... so enjoy and stay tuned for more posts and trailers for games and movies to come >>>

Rise of the Planet of the Apes Official Trailer
Director: Rupert Wyatt
Release: 8/5/2011
Website: http://www.riseoftheplanetoftheapes.com/
Rise of the Apes is an origin story in the truest sense of the term. Set in present day San Francisco, the film is a reality-based cautionary tale, a science fiction/science fact blend, where man's own experiments with genetic engineering lead to the development of intelligence in apes and the onset of a war for supremacy.

Jul 11, 2011

Update for my Mobile Blog site ^^

By Delon Anthony

Yeeehawww XD

well now my mobile site is up and running and thats good, its up so go and check it out
so the site is

you will need to download my mobile app so visit the site above to get it, is aviable for iphone, nokia, blackberry and other mobile devices, if there are any problems just let me know in the comments section or just leave a msg and i will make sure that i get back to and solve those issues

so the site again is : awthruleBlog.mobapp.at
so until next time and please follow and stay tuned for more

Jul 9, 2011

My Mobile app is here, (very soon ^^)

By Delon Anthony

Yeeehawww XD

Well i dont mean to brag but i have just finished creating my very first app contributing to my Blog, making it more easier for you my wonderful wonderful readers to gain more access to on your mobile devices, and i want to thank you so much for everything and please do consider getting my mobile app, it will be available for all mobile devices, including the iphone and ipad, but will take some time to create but dont worry i will right on it............ any ways enjoy my app and tell me in the comments if i should add some more or anything else and i will see what i can do........

this will be the name of my mobile site
^Awthrule.Blog^ Mobile App

it will take some time and stuff to generate it........ but it will be up soon, i will contain my recent posts form this Blog and all the pervious posts and stuff and also it will contain my Twitter Page........ so you can follow me there and also it contains my Youtube pages, including my Favourites and my uploads, 

please do consider getting it and also dont mind the fact that its not that good looking, besides it my very first app and i am just getting used to the fact, that i can make things like this...... so any ways go on and try it out and tell me what you think and also do follow me on twitter @Delondx and enjoy the app when its up and running which will be soon dont worry about that 

Here are some of the Screen shots...... enjoy 

Yeeehawww XD

from the press release
Activision confirmed today that PROTOTYPE 2, the sequel to Radical Entertainment's original best-selling game of 2009 — PROTOTYPE — is currently in development for 2012. PROTOTYPE 2's first official trailer was revealed as a world premiere during this past weekend's Spike TV Video Game Awards 2010 show, where fans of the shape-shifting open-world action franchise got their first glimpse into Sgt. James Heller, and why he is going to destroy PROTOTYPE's original anti-hero,Alex Mercer. For those that missed it, head over to www.facebook.com/prototype to check out the trailer and be sure to become a fan. Gamers should also be on the lookout for the exclusive, in-depth first look preview of PROTOTYPE 2 in EGM magazine's April 2011 issue.

"When PROTOTYPE surpassed 2MM units we knew gamers would want a sequel to find out what happens next with Alex Mercer," said Ken Rosman, Studio Head, Radical Entertainment. "The team here at Radical is sincerely grateful to the fans and we are laser focused on delivering an even bigger and better experience with PROTOTYPE 2!"

PROTOTYPE 2 is currently in development for Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system and the Games for Windows . The game is currently rated "RP" (Rating Pending) by the ESRB, with an expected "M" (Mature — Content that may be suitable for persons 17 and older)."

Yeeehawww XD

This is the official trailer of the STORY relating to Driver San Francisco, this GAME IS GOING TO BE EPIC !!!!!!

Yeeehawww XD
I Have a feeling that this game is going to be amazing, I LOVE THE DRIVER FRANCHISE

Click Here to Watch the Driver San Francisco Back to the Roots Developer Diary: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xyIWyhtx0rw

Driver San Francisco Car Reveal Trailer [HD]
Developer: Ubisoft
Release: 8/30/2011
Genre: Racing/Action
Platform: PS3/X360
Publisher: Ubisoft
Website: http://www.driver-game.com

Developed by Ubisoft Reflections under the direction of the creators of the original title, DRIVER San Francisco marks the return of the established video game series that has sold 14 million copies worldwide. Gamers will play as Detective John Tanner on a relentless manhunt for crime lord Charles Jericho through the hills of the City by the Bay. Thanks to a groundbreaking gameplay feature, players can now seamlessly "shift" between well over a hundred licensed vehicles, keeping them constantly in the heart of the action. With its timeless setting, unique car handling and renewed playability, DRIVER San Francisco will revitalize the classic free-roaming, cinematic car chase experience for the current generation of gaming platforms.

A Boy and His Xbox

By Delon Anthony

Yeeehawww XD

This may not be me but you get the general idea 
Let me start of by saying HAHA, no actually i just wanted to start of by telling you a little story about a boy and an xbox, Once upon a time, there was a individual boy, who in fact was me, we have all had dreams, and desires, well for this boy his most priced dream of all, in fact was to own his very own xbox 360, isnt it one of our own dreams as well, Dont we all dream of having one, but sometimes there are problems, like; for this boy his family wasn't and still is unable to purchase his one, crying and sad all the time the boy prays one day to GOD , and asks GOD "GOD please support my family and take care of them, but there was also one more thing on him mind, he slowly slipped in " GOD can you please provide my family with the finance, to allow themselves to buy me a............. xobx, then after that he got his sheets up and fell into a deep sleep, where he had a wonderful dream, where his family actually presented him with his very own xbox, the boy awoke with smile and cheer, and when off to talk to his mother, " mother mother, i just had the most wonderful dream ", but at this moment mother was busy and on a very urgent phone call, so the boy decided to wait and carried on, with his normal everyday routine, after a few hours of shouting and cheering from the other room, mother emerged out and told, her son; i just got a new job that pays more finance, with this the boy and mother jumped up for joy and cheered loudly, so that the neighbours could hear......... hang on a minute, let me rewind a bit to the phone call that mother was on......

Mother was on a phone call with her boss form her previous job, where that job was considered to be a hell hole, but i cant say that, actually it was worse, the amount of work that mother had to endure was out of this world....... it was to much for mother to bear, so on the phone call she was convincing her boss to let her go, but her boss wasn't being to agreeable and told that she needed to stay another one more month, inorder for her bos to dismiss her, so after all that mother; got some help and cleared everything out and now she was able to get that dream job she always wanted, which is to be a teacher, even though she was a teacher before, in that hell hole but now she is given more freedom to teach and enjoy her job, so with that the phone call ended and after all the cheering this happened.........

the boy, thought that this is GOD's doing and thanked GOD for it, after the boy thought of another idea, it came to him like a rocket, he said with a grin on his face " maybe now my dream can come true " and with that he dashed off to talk to his mother about his dream that he had last night and his actual dream, mother was shocked and also sad but also happy, she knew that she wanted the best for her child and agreed to purchases it for him but when she starts working again which will be in September, with this the boy felt light and full of joy, he felt like bursting out with joyfulness and happiness........ and with that i end a short story of my life as me being the boy and his dream coming true.......

(this is a true story from a recent moment in my life, and i am sure its going to happen soon, i will have an xbox 360 with kinect and then.......... i just go on enjoying life)

so stay tuned for more and i hope you enjoyed this, little story, well its not written that well but i hope you do get where i am going with it.......

The Moral to this story is never stop believing and Always, Always trust GOD !!!! 

Jul 5, 2011

What Happened in 1994???

By Delon Anthony

Yeeehawww XD
This maybe one of my biggest posts to date, so please enjoy reading and stay tuned for more and now we continue........
Well i am not going to bore you guys with facts and stuff like that and all that historical bull crap (but by the way i really love history), but the fact is that i was born on this year, which is a pretty big deal for me, as i read through it, i discovered all the things that happened that year to this present date, it scared me a bit but it also proved that i was born during a very special year
In 1994, the world was a different place.
There was no Google yet. Or Stumbleupon, for that matter.
In 1994, the year of your birth, the top selling movie was The Lion King. People buying the popcorn in the cinema lobby had glazing eyes when looking at the poster.
eople were indeed watching movies in the cinema, and not downloading them online. Imagine the packed seats, the laughter, the excitement, the novelty.
Do you know who won the Oscars that year?( seriously i didnt have a clue) The academy award for the best movie went to Forrest Gump. The Oscar for best foreign movie that year went to Burnt by the Sun. The top actor was Tom Hanks for his role as Forrest Gump in Forrest Gump. The top actress was Jessica Lange for her role as Carly Marshall in Blue Sky. The best director? Robert Zemeckis for Forrest Gump.

In the year 1994, the time when you arrived on this planet, books were still popularly read on paper, not on digital devices. Trees were felled to get the word out. The number one US best-seller of the time was The Chamber by John Grisham. Oh, that's many years ago. Have you read that book? Have you heard of it? Look at the cover!(this could be my summer read)

Now here comes the interesting part, all the events that took place during that year were either good or bad depending on what it was..........(trust me it will be a lot to read, but this is something that cant be thrown away, it really got to me)..
In 1994... The North American Free Trade Agreement, NAFTA, is established. U.S. President Bill Clinton and Russian President Boris Yeltsin sign the Kremlin Accords, which stop the preprogrammed aiming of nuclear missiles toward each country's targets. A photo by Marmaduke Wetherell, previously touted as 'proof' of the Loch Ness monster, is confirmed to be a hoax. The Church of England ordains its first female priests. U.S. troops are withdrawn from Somalia. Apple Computer, Inc releases the first Macintosh computers to use the new PowerPC Microprocessors. TV tycoon Silvio Berlusconi's right-wing coalition wins the Italian general election. Michelangelo's Universal Judgement is reopened to the public after 10 years of restorations. Commodore International, makers of the C64 and the Amiga computers, declares bankruptcy. The Channel Tunnel, which took 15,000 workers over 7 years to complete, opens between England and France, enabling passengers to travel between the 2 countries in 35 minutes. Mortal Kombat II is released for home consoles. It is the first Mortal Kombat title to contain blood and gore on Nintendo platforms. In Slovakia, populist leader Vladimir Meciar wins the general election. The 1994 FIFA World Cup begins in the United States. NASA loses radio contact with the Magellan spacecraft as the probe descends into the thick atmosphere of Venus. Civil unions between homosexuals are legalized in Sweden. The video game of the day was Tekken.(One of my most played and most favourite games ever)
That was the world you were born into. Since then, you and others have changed it.

The Nobel prize for Literature that year went to O-e Kenzaburo-. The Nobel Peace prize went to Yasser Arafat, Yitzhak Rabin and Shimon Peres. The Nobel prize for physics went to Bertram Brockhouse from Canada for the development of neutron spectroscopy and for pioneering contributions to the development of neutron scattering techniques for studies of condensed matter. The sensation this created was big. But it didn't stop the planets from spinning, on and on, year by year. Years in which you would grow bigger, older, smarter, and, if you were lucky, sometimes wiser. Years in which you also lost some things. Possessions got misplaced. Memories faded. Friends parted ways. The best friends, you tried to hold on. This is what counts in life, isn't it?

The 1990s were indeed a special decade. The Nineties saw the beginnings of the World Wide Web, originating at CERN. Email becomes popular. The Soviet Union dissolved. Living standards in East Asia and Europe generally improved. The Cold War ends. Iraqi forces invade Kuwait. A UN coalition force led by the US was sent to the Persian Gulf, and aerial bombing of Iraq began. The Kosovo War took place. The Ethiopian Civil War ends. Dolly, a sheep, is cloned. The Global Positioning System GPS becomes fully operational. Genetically engineered crops are developed for commercial use. Intel develops the Pentium processor. The Java programming language is created. Microsoft released Windows 95. In Los Angeles, riots occur after the police brutality case involving Rodney King. Great Britain hands sovereignty of Hong Kong to China. East Timor breaks away from Indonesian control. US president Bill Clinton was involved in the Lewinsky scandal. Dogme 95 becomes an important artistic movement in European film. Teen soap Beverly Hills 90210 has its long run. Baywatch becomes the most watched show in history. On MTV, reality television makes its beginning. Nelson Mandela is elected president of South Africa. Germany was reunified. The prediction of computer bug Y2K spreads fear.

Do you know what was on the cover of Life that year?
There's a kid outside, shouting, playing. It doesn't care about time. It doesn't know about time. It shouts and it plays and thinks time is forever. You were once that kid.

When you were 9, the movie Bruce Almighty was playing. When you were 8, there was Big Fat Liar. When you were 7, there was a Disney movie out called Lilo & Stitch. Does this ring a bell?(i remember those years well) i miss being young and restless

Progress, year after year. Do you wonder where the world is heading towards? The technology available today would have blown your mind in 1994.

God, I swear it's good to be back home
Waiting for the newest rolling stone
All the other girls are still at war
The best and worst of 1994
That's from the song New Thing Now by Shawn Colvin.
The world is a different place.

What path have you taken?
in 1994, Samir Patel was born. And Harry Nilsson. Mitch Holleman, too. And you, of course. Everyone an individual. Everyone special. Everyone taking a different path through life.
some really inspiring words, that really got me thinking, what path did i choose, and whats in-store for me int the future as i progress along this path, but i can safety say that i was really lucky to be born in 1994, and you should to!!!