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Feb 28, 2011

Girls are Apples (sweet Apples)

By Delon Anthony

Girls are like
apples on trees. The best
ones are at the top of the tree.
The boys don't want to reach for
the good ones because they are afraid
of falling and getting hurt. Instead, they
just get the rotten apples from the ground
that aren't as good, but easy. So the apples
at the top think something is wrong with
them, when in reality, they're amazing.
They just have to wait for the right
boy to come along, the one
who's brave enough
to climb
all the way
to the top
of the tree.

they wait actually we wait us guys, ok maybe not you all but i do wait 
for the right one to fall into my hands 


By Delon Anthony

Those who use paper maps are often annoyed by wrapping and unwrapping it., yup i hate using paper map,  One more disadvantage of a paper map is that it does not allow to define your precise location fast and easily. Designers Jin-Sun Park and Seon-keun Park come with a great solution of these problems called Maptor. 

Maptor is a compact and stylish concept that combines a map and a projector that will project the desired map onto whatever surface – table, wall or even your palm. What is more, this device includes GSM that will help you to define your precise location on the map.
The concept seems to be likely to make it to the market and to become a real hit.

Pick Punch

By Delon Anthony

Dont we have trouble, these days fining our guitar picks, i know i do have a problem of losing them cause i lose them 24-7., well i dont lose them as soon as  get them i just lose track of them, we all have the same problem, so dont be shy about it, but this gadget, yet it being new or not is really helpful, i never got a chance to get one but i am sure that it will be easier to make guitar picks rather than buying them, it saves money  

Flip phones were ultra hot at the end of the 90′s and early 2000′s. As long as you weren’t a stuffy “business” person who owned a Blackberry or Palm, you probably had a flip phone. Then, Apple’s iPhone came and changed the world of cell phones completely.
Smart phones took over and the flip phone died.
It’s back. Kind of.
With 3 flexible touchscreens, a triangular design, and custom Android interface, this creative and functional design gives us a glimpse of how smart phones might be flipped themselves.


                            What is being creative? from Kristian Ulrich Larsen on Vimeo.

this stylish phone may look cool but i am not sure that its out yet but i am really waning to get this phone its really cool, it has a really cool design making it really unique, i have never seen anything like this before, i am stunned and shocked that they can make a flip phone like that
the company that make these phone are still unknown but i am sure that they will show their faces soon it comes with an alluvium case, steel mesh LED LID coloured lines, making it more attractive, and more appealing and i am sure  that you are wondering to your self, "damn i want this phone really bad"  it also comes with 3 flexible screens DAMN !!!!!!
i am sure that this is the future for mobile design, i say again i really want it..........

as seen in the video above, it really really nice to use, the software maybe something new than the previous mobile software's but i am not sure what i am talking about, but i am sure that the software used in this phone is hopefully new and really improved, i am sure that the performance of this phone will determine the future of mobile technology 

Feb 27, 2011

One more Theory

By Delon Anthony

ever wondered what happened to the dinosaurs well i am sure that you guys know already but well heres  one more ending to that long long long lost story, i am sure that you found this funny, yet accurate maybe? well......................... who knows it may be accurate................ enjoy   

hahahahahahaha all i can say is thats its spot on funny, but if windows weren't so aggressive about its updates, then it would be a lot easier to handle.
and then we would all be happier and living a stress-less life, i know i would be, Linux is free, windows is not, and MAC is just a whole another thing 

i am hoping one day i will be able to ge this car for my self i am really really wanting this car, i really want one, damn if this car was a girl, i would tap that, if know what i mean, but if you dont then i would get in her pants, just kidding, if this was a girl and i had her i would be the luckiest guys alive, i would treat her the way she is meant to be treated, that's the good way i will take care of her till death do us apart, this car rocks my heart.......................

Snow Days: Then and Now

By Delon Anthony

AND Dont we all miss those snow days, i know i do but,

Tic-Tac the Musical

By Delon Anthony

See more funny videos and funny pictures at CollegeHumor.

this can turn out to be the best promotional campaign ever......
people in the background are really stunned that Tic Tac can produce such a wonderful melody in sure a wonderful way.........

dont we all love the sims well some of us dont but this for all my fellow sim lovers out there i am sure you have heard of the sims Mideval game, not exactly the same name but its clso to it so here is the offical and epic triailler and i am really looking forward to playing this game also..............  i thought that EA stoped making the sims after the Sims3 but i was wrong........................ enjoy

Roller Fun in the Alps

By Delon Anthony

See more funny videos and funny pictures at CollegeHumor.

The best thing about this is how safe it is to do this
i really want to try this......... one day i will 

lexus ct200h the Hybrid

By Delon Anthony

Well lexus came up with car, it looks amazing, appearances may shock you think that this can be a ECO friendly car, i was also shocked !!!!!
it’s a highly efficient way of recouping braking energy as electricity, and means the Lexus (as with the Prius) has excellent fuel consumption in town, and is also capable of running for short distances on electricity alone.

Step inside and the luxurious layout is just what a Lexus buyer expects. Leather seats (in all but the entry SE-L) with soft-touch plastics and aluminium inserts set the tone, and the facia is stylish.
all in all a really nice looking car with not so good performance but its worth it cause it gets you from point A to point B,
inside you will find that the sound system had been constructed with a sustainable bamboo for improved sound quality, so i am sure that i will love it cause i love playing music in my car, LOL but getting back to the review, this car is really amazing i didn't get the chance to test drive it but, i am sure that it will blow you away and plus its an ECO friendly car. 
it will be in the UAE today on sale hopefully, that's what i heard on the radio, so guys go and check it out, i am sure that you will like it, the reviews this car got was amazing, but the performance is not that good but still worth it, cause its ECO friendly   

Feb 26, 2011

99 Foot Rope Swing

By Delon Anthony

99 Foot Rope Swing

Ode to the Nice Guys

By Delon Anthony

well i am one of these guys, this is a tribute to the nice guys.
The nice guys that finish last, that never become more than friends, that endure hours of whining and bitching about what ass holes guys are, while disproving the very point.
This is dedicated to those guys who always provide a shoulder to lean on but restrain themselves to tentative hugs, those guys who hold open doors and give reassuring pats on the back and sit patiently outside the changing room at department stores.
This is in honor of the guys that obligingly reiterate how cute/beautiful/smart/funny/sexy their female friends are at the appropriate moment, because they know most girls need that litany of support.
This is in honor of the guys with open minds, with laid-back attitudes, with honest concern.

This is in honor of the guys who respect a girl’s every facet, from her privacy to her theology to her clothing style.

i am one of them............................................................ girls feel comfortable talking to us, they feel they can talk to us about anything, but sometimes we take advantage of this and then we screw it up a few line, by saying "i love you", i had the same experience, us nice guys don’t often get credit where credit is due. And perhaps more disturbing, the nice guys don’t seem to get laid as often as they should. girls feel that if they hook up with us they will ruin the friend ship, I can’t figure out why the connection breaks down between what they say (I want a nice guy!), then why cant they go for us then.

Rotating illusion

By Delon Anthony

Feb 25, 2011

Giant Stinson Beach Bubbles (Canon 550D)

By Delon Anthony

this was just mesmerizing, i could not take my eyes off the screen its was truly magical............ enjoy

Here's the fascinating story of Anatoli Petrovich Bugorski, the only person to have stuck his head into a particle accelerator. His head accidentally strayed into the path of the proton beam at the Institute for High Energy Physics in Protvino in 1978, and the beam bored a hole through his brain and out his nose. and i say again even though i never said this before but dont F**k around with Particle accelerators, seriously this guys was lucky to survive i think but this happened a long time ago so he is dead now but, any ways look at the picture -----> 

and tell me do you want this to happen, i know you guys are not so dumb to do these sort of things but i am tell you others out there you know like the ones that do all these crazy stunts just for fun and then end up seriously injuring themselves, 

well there is a moral to this short yet funny story: 

Be careful what you wish for

well the parents in this story were really glad that their only son had gone forever, we for me that's is just poor parenting, but i have to take the boys side cause if his parents have not treated him like he was supposed to be treated then he could have made that wish hands down, but listen to me talk about stuff that i dont even know............. but i had also made a similar wish before,  well any ways just be careful what you wish for or suffer the similar fate........................

dont we all have this same problem,
where we have money coming in at a slow phase just like waiting for a turtle to walk towards you and then suddenly its all gone just like a rabbit been chased by a wolf, so the money we earn little by little goes on running away by the end of the week perhaps,
i know i also have the same problem i get some money for doing some small job then suddenly i have to spend it on stuff, that is just uncalled for, nowadays tv advertisements produce adverts that make us wanna, that really make us wanna buy unwanted stuff like a new mobile even though you already have that works, i blame the advertisements, but you cant blame them they have to do those kinds of things so that they suck every single dollar from our wallets, they act like wolves chasing after our rabbits, well that's one way of putting it, then the rich have their rabbits all safely hidden somewhere, cause they can get more, but we cant we have a limit, but they dont, we work like dogs and have a few rabbits to show for it but they can get easily cause all the money we give goes to them.

i wish i could do things like what this guy can do................. enjoy :D

The lawn and short of it is we liked it.

its a compelling tale of two feuding neighbours Mr. Capulet (voiced by Richard Wilson) and Miss Montague (voiced by Julie Walters), whose rivalry has even extended to their respective garden gnomes (with one set coloured red and the other blue). But can a forbidden romance between a Red and a blue, help bring back the feud to a halt, i am sure it will cause, love can overcome all obstacles 
well Like most people, I didn't think much at all when they first heard of Gnomeo & Juliet. But it turns out it's less like Hoodwinked! and more like this year's Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs, another toon with low expectations that turned out to be a pleasant surprise, i enjoyed this movie so much that i want to watch it again and again cause the love the gnomeo and Juliet share is unquestionable, but their parents can ask the question why ?, cause they are of different colours and stuff,
well getting back, when you watch this movie, you go into a whole new world full of Gnome's, but still this movie is great for the whole family to enjoy, so get your mum and dad get your brother and sister and have them sit down with you and all i can say is enjoy it as a family, lots of beautiful sences, and all in all a wonderful movie and yet an interesting story title dont you think ?  

well i enjoyed watching and i am sure that you will also enjoy watching, 

well expect more reviews and more posts and pls do follow me also and thanks for reading  

Feb 23, 2011

Love is Like A Garden

By Delon Anthony

Just like a garden, love is enjoyed when it is in full bloom. To keep it blooming the love in our hearts grows when tended. If we do not feed it, it slowly dies. But just like humans, our love needs more than watering. It also needs faithful and patient tending.
For such a garden to grow, it just needs to be watered with such deep devotion and hunger for our Beloved God. Just like plants and flowers, we thirst for His love and presence. Such thirst can only be quenched with His Word and our heart-to-heart communication and communion with Him.
well nowadays my heart has been attacked and stuff  killing me from within, slowly making me rot away, I wonder how  distressed the Lord was when He walked around the garden of my heart. Although guilt pains me for the time lost from His presence, still, God is always willing to water and till that dry ground again. 
but my garden of life is gone, and will never return 

well Martin Lawrence returns as FBI agent Malcolm Turner and as Turner’s deep-cover alter-ego “Big Momma.” But this time, Turner is joined by his teenage stepson Trent, Like father like son
 as they go undercover at an all-girls performing arts school after Trent witnesses a murder. 
Posing as Big Momma and as hefty coed Charmaine, they must find the murderer before he finds them.  well i hope to get the movie soon so taht i can do a review on it, cause i love the Big Mommas series, i loved the earlier ones and i am hoping that this will the best of all time 

that might be my reaction during the movie LOL casue i am hoping that it will
be funny as hell 

Feb 22, 2011

Swansea - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

By Delon Anthony

one of my good friends, singing one the songs that i really like he maybe a bit pitchy but hes really good 

Crazy Handles !!!!

By Delon Anthony

LOVED this video, i am a basketball fan and this was really good, actually better than good it was the best i have seen in a long time :D

Wanna Fanta ??

By Delon Anthony

LOL  the invasion of Fanta Manta  or something like that but either way its a really good video to watch hhehhhhehee i laughed my ass off
i like the girl stick figure in red she is hot :D

the girls are hot as hell DAMN the video is so cool :D

LOL we all know that really is so true  and that Refrigerating batteries will not improve their performance, lol the things that people report about are really funny and stupid, but still this article is quite interesting,
In fact, extreme heat or cold can actually hamper a battery’s ability to hold a charge! This is not to mention the risk of condensation in a refrigerator or freezer corroding the battery’s metal housing. Both the Energizer and Duracell battery companies recommend storing batteries around room temperature with moderate levels of humidity. 

the link to the Full article :

ever wondered who created Homer Simpson, if you wanna know read this article and then look at the picture, i know you guys know who created him but there is more than just meets the eye or something like that 

LOL this is just F**ked up but still really v=cool  i was really stunned when i saw this picture of Homer Simpson, If you look closely, you can see that Homer’s little squiggle of hair and right ear resemble an ‘M’ and a ‘G.’ Those letters stand for the name of his creator,

 Matt Groening! Groening originally designed the features to resemble the letters much more closely, but he thought the ear was too distracting. He still draws the ear as a ‘G’ when he draws pictures of Homer for fans though! 

the animators those days have the need to write their initials in their characters cause of the fear of having them Copied and stuff 
well i dont know what i am saying but i am sure every single person signs their works when they are done but this is just a whole new level of copy right fragment  LOL 

Feb 18, 2011

The worst Crash in a GAME

By Delon Anthony

the game is SKATE the platform is Xbox 360 and all i can say is watch the video and enjoy the two really good crashes purposely carried out by my friend this is part 1 part 2 is below

there will be more videos to come hopefully so stay tuned 

well dont we all love Russell peters i know i do i love him soooooo much and i especially love when these youtube people make remixes of his quotes and sayings and stuff....... ok just dont listen to me write just watch the video and enjoy i know it did   i want this song as my ringtone so badly

more good news for all you Radiohead fans out there i too am a good radihead fan and i was awaiting for this album to be realseaed and now it is heeeehaawww

so Radiohead have brought forward the digital release of their new album 'The King Of Limbs' by
24 hours with the album now being sent to those who pre-ordered it earlier this week. It is also
available for new orders through www.radiohead.com at a fixed price of £6. A special edition is also available.
With everything ready on their website, the band decided to bring forward the release by a
 day rather than wait until the planned date of Saturday, Feb 19 to deliver the music.

A video for the track 'Lotus Flower'
Orders for the download or the special edition, which is packaged in Radiohead's version of a newspaper, can still be placed at radiohead.com
XL Recordings will be releasing the album on CD and vinyl on March 28.
and i am pleased to announce that i am posting the video in this blog just below this article so enjoy

Feb 17, 2011

Letting Go.......

By Delon Anthony

well we all know that letting go of anything is really hard and really difficult and really sad, imagine a good friend leaving for another country to live there,

i know the feeling cause i have experienced where one of my childhood friends, actually my best best childhood friend ever, she had to go to Australia when i was about 7 or 8 years young, so letting go was really hard i cried my heart out when she was leaving, i missed her so much, but a years later we met up and i was overwhelmed and then i cried when i saw her, but letting go was really hard

so lets see 'letting go' is really hard but you know that the person who left you is in a good place after that, i know the feeling cause one of my oldest uncles and my grandpa who is from my dad side actually his dad passed away and i was really heart broken cause i never got a chance to know my dads dad so that was really hard for me, on the other hand i know that he is in a better place now my his soul rest in peace

i wish i was able to tell her this before she left 

well i am not that shy but i am shy, i know that doesn't make sense but i am quite shy, even when i am talking to a girl especially i really blush a lot when i speak to a girl cause i make my self look cute but still if i do blush that means i am making progress but still being shy is not all bad but..........

lets take another example if i have to go and make a speech or something like that so it becomes really hard for me to go and talk in a public gathering and so that really disabled me form making my graduation speech before i graduated but still.......

this was me all the time during my classes in school and
also in college 
being shy can be a goo thing but can also hold you back from doing certain things, i was shy to participate in a talent show because i was SHY and that really sucks but i cant blame my self but actually i should blame my self cause i was shy to do anything

and also being shy can be hard to cope with, trust me i was really  shy to tell this girl that i like her but when i di get the courage to tell her i was to late, she broke out the bad news that she had already liked someone else, i was really shocked but not surprised cause i was too shy to tell her sooner

so the picture on the right that really describes me when i am class, in college, school and the other places i have been
so lets see..................   shyness is bad thing i am trying to get rid of it completely from my system, so lets see shyness will be gone soon hopefully soon

While nearly 500 million people have seen Justin Bieber’s Baby video, only about 4 million people have seen the first video ever uploaded to Youtube! It’s a video called “Me at the Zoo,” shot at the San Diego Zoo, and was uploaded at 8:27 PM on Saturday April 23rd, 2005. The video features Jawad Karim, one of YouTube’s founders. Elephants have really…really, really long trunks.

hahaahahahahah i love this, this guy thought he can do whatever he can cause he was  the youngest billionaire and then he announced that he was gonna shut down Facebook, that actually helped him become famous then he got his just deserts cause he said i am gonna shut down Facebook and then he lost money and then he got owned by some other younger dude, this is the best news i have heard in a long time.........

This distinction actually goes to his former roommate, Dustin Moskovitz! Moskovitz is 8 days younger than Zuck, and has a net worth of $1.4 billion. Only eight American billionaires are under the age of 40, and three of these co-founded Facebook: Zuckerberg, Moskovitz, and Eduardo Saverin. The latter two are no longer with the company, however - Moskovitz left in 2008 to start his own software venture, and Saverin was sued by Facebook a year after Zuckerberg dropped out of Harvard. Though Zuckerberg is no longer the youngest billionaire in the world, I’m sure he’s not fretting one bit, considering at $6.9 billion he is still worth nearly 5 times as much as his college roommate! 

well the article says it all hes only richer than his room-mate    heeeehawww  haahahahahaahahhahhahahahahhhaha what a douche bag i can laugh at this article for ever and ever cause he did this to him self 

Feb 16, 2011
By Delon Anthony

i used to have an old nokia mobile phone with the exact ringtones and i wanted to change them so badly why wasnt this guy there when i needed him thus is just amazing this is actually one of my most favourite

this guys is just of the hook and he also plays really great also i want his videos to be on my blog cause hes amazing :)

now thats news the strongest beer in the world wow now thats cool i want to have a drink so badly now but sadly my parents wont let me drink but who give a F**K i drink any ways but getting back to the story at hand, well the strongest beer saying that just makes me want it that more :)

just look at the picture and tell me if they listened to the news and
then had the drink 

“Sink the Bismarck,” a beer brewed by the Scottish company BrewDog, is 41 percent alcohol. To give you an idea of the potency of this potable, that’s like drinking your typical vodka, rum, or tequila! wow more cooler so its like drinking three four types of drinks in one cup yay i want it so bad :)

but i advice all my reader to not drink but drink at special occasions  :) hahahahahha   

i read the article where i got the info from and it says "This is an extremely strong beer; it should be enjoyed in small servings and with an air of aristocratic nonchalance - in exactly the same manner that you would enjoy a fine whisky" you think that people ever listen to the news they wont i know i dont but i am not sure about you guys but i know i dont listen, so lets see when the next party shows its little head then we will see who is gonna listen to the news :P 

nice now that's love with a capital LOVE
well valentines day is already over and it really sucked and to add to the suckieness the government had to go and ban it in Saudi, i dont live in Saudi but i am sure that the people living there will also want to celebrate this joyfulness day, but no they just want to make people suffer and live alone and stuff like that, that is just crewel and i am appalled by this behaviour, but still valentines day did suck for me cause i didnt have a date at all but i did have my friends, who had dates and went out and had the time of their lives :( 
but its ok now its over, but this news is just shocking 

The nation has a religious police force that uphold the annual ban with support from the Commission for Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice. Everything related to the holiday is prohibited - candy, flowers, gifts...even the colour red! even the colour RED WTF  It’s outlawed based on a fatwa, or Islamic legal ruling, against pagan holidays. They may have a good point. Even though the holiday often has the word “Saint” preceding it, most of the Valentine’s day traditions are rooted in a pagan fertility celebration.   but i do respect all religions so if the religion doesn't like it then we cant do anything about it but we can change but that is just my opinion but i know i wont change my religion. 
so do expect more posts and pls do comment also thnx 

---well this picture says it all---
---Wow this really stunned me i am not sure if this true but i am sure this was on OMG Facts so it has to be true so getting back to the story at hand --

Tablecloths were popularized by the Europeans. They originally started appearing on Roman tables in the 1st century. The first written mention of a tablecloth dated from 103 AD. Back then, the Romans considered their tables too beautiful to cover up completely, so tablecloths were smaller and intended for individual use, like a napkins
By the 10th century, the tablecloth had evolved into the giant table covering that we know today as it spread through the Byzantine empire and feudal Western Europe. By the 14th century it became customary even for peasants to use tablecloths. 

the link to the original story 

This is known as the Dunning-Kruger effect. The basic idea behind it has been a well-established rule for centuries. Charles Darwin, for instance, has stated “Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge”. It has been empirically proven in 1999, by psychologists David Dunning and Justin Kruger in their report “Unskilled and Unaware of It: How Difficulties in Recognizing One's Own Incompetence Lead to Inflated Self-Assessments”.

This was proven through a study in which participants take tests of their logical reasoning skills, grammatical skills, and humor, and then estimate their own abilities in those subjects. Those participants who scored in the bottom quartile grossly overestimated their own abilities. Those in the12th percentile had estimated themselves to be in the 62nd percentile.

So that mean i am really smart then cause I don't know that much but then if this is true then it means that I am really smart but it's not yet shown but let's see

Feb 14, 2011

Valentine's Day Has a Troubling Side

By Delon Anthony

yes finally this special day has something bad to its name, i am really happy now

Here’s hoping that you have a great Valentine’s Day full of love and affection. Unfortunately, there are some for whom Valentine’s Day is not a happy day at all.
In one newsletter by Joan Stewart, the Publicity Hound, two troubling concerns are associated with Valentine’s. First there are the wives and children who are victims of violence and abuse for whom Valentine’s Day is just another day of fear, dread and anxiety. Sheryl Cates, Executive Director of the National Domestic Violence Hotline reminds us in a Dear Abby column that these victims were hurt by people who said they loved them.
so love does have a bad side and i knew it cause love is not all that good it can really hurt a person and maybe even end up killing the person
The most troubling part of Valentine’s Day is that it’s the least romantic day of the year since so many commemorate it with chocolate and flowers out of obligation rather than celebration of love.
well i cant argue with the above statement but flowers and chocolates are good :)

Love is kind. Love shouldn’t hurt.
“Love doesn’t make the world go round, love is what makes the ride worthwhile.” – Elizabeth Browning
“Love is friendship set on fire.” – unknown
“To laugh often and love much… to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others, to give one’s self… this is to have succeeded.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

You can still celebrate Valentine’s Day, of course, but in your own creative way with people with whom you share genuine and requited love all year long.
i had to say something good about this day so the above statement is ok i think

1000 viewers

By Delon Anthony

yay i got to 1000 viewers :) i am so happy but i need more :P

Nicce :D

LOL love this video :)

Miley Cyrus Goofs on Lady Gaga's Egg Stunt - E! Online

wow wow its ok it happens to everyone cool :)

Want More Love In Your Life? Find Your Passion First - Goodlife Zen

well lets see if this works for me :( but i enjoyed reading it but still :(

A Love Filled Day :(

By Delon Anthony

well we all know that its valentines day and they all say that loves in the air, ya actually loves in the air but i dont feel it but i know that friends and family are all the love that you need, but sometimes spending it with that special person is really worth it but in my case that special some has a BF and doesn't know how you fell about her :( but i maybe be just talking unwanted stuff but havent you also wanted to ask that special someone and you were waiting for valentines day and then suddendly you realise that she had a BF and never told you, that happened to me but i am not even gonna try to this time cause there is no use the more you try the more useless it becomes so there is now use for me :(

Valentines day is just another day in my head its just another day and i suddenly hate it :(

its just.......

sadness for me not love that i feel :(

Feb 13, 2011

A new Day A new Day Heeehaww

By Delon Anthony

Well today at college was a real wonderful felling cause i was able to be meet all my 1st semester friends you could say i was able to meet my good old friends, when i saw them i became so emotional that i almost cried, ok i know i may be getting a little bit ahead of my self but i am really sensitive and really emotional, so i was really glad to see all of them but still some of my friends were missing so for that i did the things that they used to do when they were there during the first semester and my friends were wondering if i was mad but them i told them i am doing this for my old friends cause i miss them
i was hoping to see some new new students this semester but sadly there was only one new student but still one is better than none so getting back to the topic  the new student was really nice i was really glad to meet him but then he suddenly realised he was in the wrong class but that's ok that happened to me also cause the first day i was also suck in another class for the whole first day and i came to realise it that i was in the wrong class when my friends asked me "what course are you doing man" and then i replied "i am doing Travel and Tourism, am i in the wrong class ?" then he said "Ya man the The Travel and Tourism introduction class is in the next block" then i said "damn"

yes i really do care for my friends i make sure that i remember them anyway possible

well this semester i am planing to bet good grades cause last semester i was just looking to pass it and have fun but now i am looking to do more this time and make my parents proud

so lets see there will be more posts to come so tuned :)

Feb 12, 2011

the word of the day 'Pasticcio'

By Delon Anthony

The word of the day 'Pasticcio' is Italian in origin and orginally meant 'medley, pastry cake.' It has the same meaning as 'pastiche.'

Example where the word is used
“ The term pasticcio (pastry, in Italian) was sometimes used pejoratively until the second half of the 18th century, when the genre gained respect. ”

a post from my iPhone

By Delon Anthony

Well now I have started recently using an application on my iPhone that allows me to post posts and stuff directly from my iPhone I am really excited